Okay so around 10pm yesterday we finely finished packing and storing and cleaning everything at the apartment it was spotless. Not wanting to mess anything up, we went out for dinner at a small Mexican restaurant. we got home around

11 and all settled down till 2:40 am we then packed up our last few things and went out to load our waiting cab. We swiftly made our way the the airport all seemed to be going splendidly. DON DON DONN!!!
As we made our way through the line to check in we found that more than one customer seemed upset, and that the line was slow to move. finally up for our turn we proudly displayed our passports and began loading our 5 bags onto the scale. upon putting up the fourth bag the clerk looked shocked that we would have anymore bags, she began to explain that each additional bag would be 25 dollars and then stopped. DON DON DONN!!!
She proceeded to explain that when traveling to South America only one bag is allowed per person and that that bag is not allowed to exceed the 50lb limit. we stood and gawked at her, well can you help us we have no apartment to leave these things at no family to call and nowhere to go except to South America. No she said in a matter of fact tone no sympathy whatsoever. the supervisor came over and began to explain that if we had looker more closely we would have seen that the website said we could only bring one bag all we would of had to do would be click on a link for flight restrictions and scroll down
until we reached the spot somewhere in the 20pages that said so. there is nothing we can do maybe you could leave your bags here and pick them up when you
return. it was the only
suggestion she gave and the only option
available. DON DON DONN!!!

We began to sort out all of out winter
climbing gear there was nothing for it are hearts which had been so light with
anticipation now sagged heavy under the weight of what we had to do. we gave up our boots the
climbing rope ice axes ice screws
crampons and much much more we stuffed a few objects in to our backpacks and
carry-ons we strapped sleeping pads to our packs and we relinquished our
extreme gear. Thousands of dollars worth of
equipment to sit out the trip in the airport. DON DON DONN!!!
We boarded the plain to find that the space between seats was considerably smaller than most both Tim and Eve had to sit at angles to keep from having their knees dig into the seats in front of them, even I had difficulty. By this time we had
decided that the policy was bad the seats cramped but it was not until w

e found out that we had to PAY for WATER that we came to the conclusion that Sp1*r0*t is the worst airline ever. DON DON DONN!!!
After sitting in the airport for that last hour with only seven more to go I have witnessed people running from plain to plain, doors closed a people
ran in a futile effort to catch their flights, and staff gripe and moan about how
customers are always complaining. but then you have to keep in mind that they pride themselves in being the first super cheep airline in the U.S. and as the old addege says "You get what you pay for".