Thursday, March 26, 2009

Rain Rain GO AWAY

so I ran to the gate at our street and had to wait there untill someone with a key came home. luckly this only took 10 or 15 min but by the time I got home I was drentched. I chainged and by the time I got down stairs Tim it seemed no longer wanted to go. We spent the rest of the day doing little and most of what we did was done wrapped in blankets and sleeping bags. non of the houses here have heat so when it is cool you just have to wrap up. the fact that we missed Mitad del Mundo was not such a bad thing because it turned out that that was the school trip today.
At the middle of the world there is a small museum of the native peoples along with some science-ish sot of things. it was beautiful there today the sun shining in full force, and I ended up with an umbrella to use as a parisol.
The weather in Quito on the other hand has been terible it has been cool with rain off and on for the past week and the whole city seems to be complaining. It has also made washing our clothing something of a trick too, because we wash our clothing in the back patio and hang it out to line dry in the sun. With this tempermental weather it has become quite the chalange to have clothing which is both dry and clean.
this coming weekend I am going to a foot ball game with Tim Eve and a few other people from the school I am SUPER excited which is a little odd considering I don´t really like soccer that much. anyway I´l try my best to keep writing
thinking of you all

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